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James Keen releases 'Falling or Flying'

In the tapestry of UK songsmiths, James Keen, renowned as the frontman for the distinguished Magazine Gap, ended 2023 on a high note with an entrancing and empowering single.

James Keen

Picture this: James Blunt meets Tracy Chapman – that's the vocal vibe you're getting from Keen. Whether it's Magazine Gap classics or his latest release, Crossover, Falling or Flying is a vibe-check with pro-level lyrics and a melody that's stuck in your head from the first beat.

''Keen's music is pure and timeless, and it's no surprise he's taking the scene by storm.''

Falling or Flying, the fourth gem from the album Crossover, brings those acoustic feels and keyboard magic, setting the stage for a lyrical journey. Exploring the rollercoaster of anxiety in a metaphorical playground, this track is your new mood.

Crafted like a boss, this track builds up to a killer guitar solo, keeping it breezy and easy to vibe with. It's got that four-to-the-floor groove, a structure you'll be nodding along to without even realizing.

In a nutshell, Falling or Flying is a lowkey banger, hitting that sweet spot between feels and relatable lyrics. Keen's music is pure and timeless, and it's no surprise he's taking the scene by storm. Get ready for the expansion, 'cause James Keen is bringing the vibes and taking over!

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