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One man never sounded this good! He has the vocals, the songwriting abilities, the talent and the drive to make it big. I present you: Sinner's Rise.

Sinner's Rise is an American one-man alt metal band who is doing it all by himself. Listening to any track and looking at the presentation of the artist will have you in pure disbelieve of the fact that this band is run by one person. Sinner's Rise is the embodiment of talent as the artist is very skilled at all the instruments he uses, has an amazing voice, is able to write beautiful lyrics and has the ability to craft music worthy of a global audience. 'Suzuka' features heavy guitar riffs and powerful drums and creates a soundscape reminiscent of bands I personally would listen to. Within that soundscape the artist showcases both a rough and vulnerable side which I can appreciate as both sounds definitely complement each other. It doesn't stop there, the artist has the vocal capacities to back up his international sound as his voice is hypnotising, powerful and vulnerable. The whole production is really just great and deserves to be played on an international level. It's also worth mentioning that the recording, mixing and mastering on this track sound great.

Sinner's Rise honestly sounds like any A-list band out there to be honest. The quality of the music, the skills of the artist, the lyrics, the melodies and everything about it really. I found myself listening to the full album as the sound has such a huge pull on me. I'm in love. I highly recommend giving Sinner's Rise a listen. You will not be disappointed.

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Listen to 'Suzuka' here:

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